Last updated: 4 April 2023
In November 2022, the Government introduced the Natural and Built Environments Act (NBE) and the Strategic Planning Act (SPA) into parliament. This is the first stage of the proposed reform of the resource management system. The Bills are expected to be passed by mid 2023 and the Ministry for the Environment will adjust its plans to reflect the final legislation.
We are now planning the next stages of the reform journey with the development of secondary legislation, climate change adaptation, and regional implementation.
This provides an opportunity to engage with partners and targeted stakeholders to get feedback on these topics.
As part of this we are holding a series of regional hui in late March and April. This document, Our future resource management system: Developing the next stages, has been produced to help guide the discussions with iwi and Māori around these topics:
• the National Planning Framework
• regional implementation of the proposed new system
• climate adaptation and mitigation
• land-use and emissions pricing.
To understand the key components of the proposed resource management system as it was introduced into parliament you can read Our future resource management system: Overview.
Last updated: 4 April 2023
In November 2022, the Government introduced the Natural and Built Environments Act (NBE) and the Strategic Planning Act (SPA) into parliament. This is the first stage of the proposed reform of the resource management system. The Bills are expected to be passed by mid 2023 and the Ministry for the Environment will adjust its plans to reflect the final legislation.
We are now planning the next stages of the reform journey with the development of secondary legislation, climate change adaptation, and regional implementation.
This provides an opportunity to engage with partners and targeted stakeholders to get feedback on these topics.
As part of this we are holding a series of regional hui in late March and April. This document, Our future resource management system: Developing the next stages, has been produced to help guide the discussions with iwi and Māori around these topics:
• the National Planning Framework
• regional implementation of the proposed new system
• climate adaptation and mitigation
• land-use and emissions pricing.
To understand the key components of the proposed resource management system as it was introduced into parliament you can read Our future resource management system: Overview.