Environmental reporting series, Acknowledgements, and References

Image: Ministry for the Environment
New and updated for Our freshwater 2020:
Indicators updated for Environment Aotearoa 2019:
Indicators last updated for Our fresh water 2017:
The Ministry for the Environment and Stats NZ would like to thank the following people and organisations for their invaluable contribution to Our freshwater 2020 and Environmental indicators Te taiao Aotearoa.
We thank the following for providing data for this report:
We are very grateful for the assistance of the Senior Science and Mātauranga Team, who provided advice and feedback on draft versions of this report:
We also acknowledge Alistair Allan (Greater Wellington Regional Council) and Merilyn Merrett (Friends of Waiwhetu Stream) who provided information for the Waiwhetu Stream case study, and Jane Goodman (Department of Conservation) who provided advice and information for the īnanga infographic series.
This report was compiled by the Ministry for the Environment and Stats NZ’s Environmental Reporting team.
All infographics were created by Dumpark Information Design.
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Environmental reporting series, Acknowledgements, and References
April 2020
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