New Zealand’s sixth national communication updates New Zealand’s progress towards its commitments under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and towards implementing the Kyoto Protocol.
New Zealand’s sixth national communication updates New Zealand’s progress towards its commitments under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and towards implementing the Kyoto Protocol.
New Zealand’s sixth national communication provides information on:
- national circumstances to provide context for New Zealand’s emissions (Chapter 2)
- New Zealand’s latest greenhouse gas emissions and trends (Chapter 3)
- policies and measures in place to address climate change (Chapter 4)
- projections for New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions (Chapter 5)
- climate change impacts on New Zealand and vulnerability and adaptation work (Chapter 6)
- the financial assistance and technology transfer New Zealand gives to other countries (Chapter 7)
- research and systematic observation (Chapter 8)
- education, training and public awareness campaigns (Chapter 9).
The publication also includes New Zealand's report on the Global Climate Observing System.