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National index of streambank erosion susceptibility

The report describes the production of a geospatial dataset (available on the MFE dataservice) showing the susceptibility to streambank erosion for every river reach in the New Zealand digital river network.

The index provides a relative, spatial measure of susceptibility to bank erosion and considers the spatial variability in factors that may influence bank erosion at the reach scale.

The report includes recommendations on:

a.  appropriate use of the index

b.  considerations for spatial aggregation of the index

c.  additional work required to progress to national quantification of streambank erosion within catchment sediment budgets.

The report describes the production of a geospatial dataset (available on the MFE dataservice) showing the susceptibility to streambank erosion for every river reach in the New Zealand digital river network.

The index provides a relative, spatial measure of susceptibility to bank erosion and considers the spatial variability in factors that may influence bank erosion at the reach scale.

The report includes recommendations on:

a.  appropriate use of the index

b.  considerations for spatial aggregation of the index

c.  additional work required to progress to national quantification of streambank erosion within catchment sediment budgets.

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