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National climate change risk assessment for New Zealand - Method report

This report is a companion to the main report for the National Climate Change Risk Assessment. The risk assessment gives a national picture of how New Zealand may be affected by climate change-related hazards and identifies the most significant risks and opportunities.

This report is a companion to the main report for the National Climate Change Risk Assessment. The risk assessment gives a national picture of how New Zealand may be affected by climate change-related hazards and identifies the most significant risks and opportunities.

It documents the methodology undertaken to carry out the risk assessment and the associated engagement including the results of that engagement. It supports organisations to carry out their own national, local and regional risk assessments.

The risk assessment was based on Arotakenga Huringa Āhuarangi: A Framework for the National Climate Change Risk Assessment for Aotearoa New Zealand and was undertaken over nine months by a diverse, multi-disciplinary team of academics and consultants. It combines the outcomes from Māori/iwi and stakeholder engagement with scientific, technical and expert analysis. The findings will be used to develop a national adaptation plan that will respond to the most significant risks, opportunities and knowledge gaps.

More information on the assessment findings can be found in the technical report. See links below to the technical report, the main report and the Snapshot which summarises the main report.

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