This guide outlines a nationally consistent approach to the disposal of waste to landfills. Module 2 of the Hazardous Waste Guidelines outlines a nationally consistent approach to the disposal of hazardous waste to landfills.
This module provides:
- waste acceptance criteria for two classes of landfills (Class A and Class B), including concentration limits covering a greater range of contaminants than those currently specified in the US EPA Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) list
- a landfill classification system
- a definition of liquid waste
- a list of prohibited wastes
- flowcharts clearly outlining the waste acceptance and landfill classification process
- model resource consent conditions for Class A and Class B landfills.
See more on...
Module 2: Hazardous waste guidelines Landfill waste acceptance criteria and landfill classification
May 2004
© Ministry for the Environment