This folder is divided into three main parts:

  • Part I gives the framework for monitoring recreational water quality
  • Part II provides the guideline values for marine, freshwater and shellfish gathering
  • Part III provides explanatory notes, which expand on the information given in Parts I and II, and give advice on how to implement the guidelines.

Parts I and II are divided into sections, labelled A to F. Throughout these sections there are directions to the explanatory notes in Part III. Please follow these directions if you need more information on a topic.

Part III is divided into two sections, G and H, and provide notes on Parts I and II respectively.

The Appendices following Part III contain more extended pieces of additional information, including a programme for public education and awareness, and a description of the research background to how the guidelines have evolved.

A Glossary provides definitions for abbreviations and terms used in the guidelines, some of which are highly technical.

For those readers wanting to access further information from documents referenced in these guidelines, the References and Further Reading contains a useful summary.

The structure of this folder enables the Ministry for the Environment and Ministry of Health to provide updates on a regular basis. Please complete the form at the back to register your copy with the Ministry for the Environment. This will ensure updates are sent to the appropriate person within your organisation.