Clause 3.6: Transparent decision-making

Clause 3.6: Transparent decision-making applies to all decisions made in implementing the NPS-FM. It requires councils to publish the matters they have considered and the reasons for the decisions reached.
The intent of this clause is to ensure that all decisions made in giving effect to the NPS-FM are recorded. This is particularly important for decisions made under the NPS-FM – such as about tangata whenua involvement and developing action plans – which may not be adequately recorded by other processes associated with the development of a regional plan (ie, hearings under Schedule 1 of the RMA or a regional council’s evaluation report prepared under section 32 of the RMA). How councils give effect to other parts of the NPS-FM (eg, limit setting), should already be transparent in the content of regional plans and supporting documents, and adequately addressed by such processes.
Existing processes under the RMA can continue to be the mechanism by which decision-making is made transparent (further supported by the ability to appeal or judicially review decisions, and by the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987).
Clause 3.6 does not provide additional reporting requirements, where processes already provide a requirement to record the decision-making. The intent is to make clear that requirements under this clause are an addition to other statutory requirements, but that councils do not need to double-up recording requirements, where there are overlaps of statutory requirements.
Clause 3.6 is most relevant to tangata whenua involvement in freshwater management (more specifically, clause 3.4(3)) and in preparing action plans (clause 3.15). Importantly, it applies to all parts of the NPS-FM – as made clear in the NPS-FM amendments of February 2023.
Related to this, is clause 3.2(2)(b), which requires councils to engage with tangata whenua and communities to identify all elements of the NOF. In order to engage with all parties properly, councils should ensure that all parties have access to the relevant information required to gain an understanding to contribute. For best practice implementation, the points below should be considered (but these considerations are not limited to these points).
Clause 3.6: Transparent decision-making
April 2023
© Ministry for the Environment