The National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 (NPS-FM 2020) requires councils to manage periphyton in rivers as a compulsory attribute to achieve the ecosystem health value.
This guidance is intended to provide a starting point for deriving nutrient concentrations for managing the periphyton attribute, as required by NPS-FM 2020, Clause 3.13: Special provision for attributes affected by nutrients. This is the second edition of this guidance and has been updated using a nationwide dataset with direct periphyton biomass observations from a larger number of sites over a longer period of time.
It should be read together with the Freshwater NPS 2020 and the technical report, Derivation of nutrient criteria for periphyton biomass objectives.
The National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 (NPS-FM 2020) requires councils to manage periphyton in rivers as a compulsory attribute to achieve the ecosystem health value.
This guidance is intended to provide a starting point for deriving nutrient concentrations for managing the periphyton attribute, as required by NPS-FM 2020, Clause 3.13: Special provision for attributes affected by nutrients. This is the second edition of this guidance and has been updated using a nationwide dataset with direct periphyton biomass observations from a larger number of sites over a longer period of time.
It should be read together with the Freshwater NPS 2020 and the technical report, Derivation of nutrient criteria for periphyton biomass objectives.