The websites listed below give information on genetic modification. Some of the organisations below also have publications they will send on request.

Site Description A government website that contains information about genetic modification Ministry for the Environment ERMA New Zealand Ministry of Research, Science and Technology (for general information on biotechnology, including the Biotechnology Strategy) Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Food Standards Australia New Zealand New Zealand Food Safety Authority Medsafe

The Report of the Royal Commission on Genetic Modification, 2001, four volumes, and the Government's response

Note: you can also obtain these reports at any bookshop specialising in government publications. Toi te Taiao: the Bioethics Council



The Ministry for the Environment offers special thanks to the reviewers of this booklet at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry; Ministry of Health; Ministry of Research, Science and Technology; Te Puni Kokiri; Environmental Risk Management Authority; Food Standards Australia New Zealand; and New Zealand Food Safety Authority.


While we have tried to ensure that the information provided is accurate, the nature of this booklet requires that the information be simple and general. Information on the regulatory environment and uses of genetic modification in New Zealand is current as of May 2004 but may be subject to change in future. This booklet is intended as an informational guide only and should not be relied upon as a legal resource. For more precise and detailed information you should consult the HSNO Act and regulations, ERMA New Zealand, FSANZ and NZFSA.

You can find more about genetic modification in New Zealand from the website

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