Environment New Zealand 2007 represents the collective effort of many organisations. They have provided data, peer review comments, and made suggestions on the presentation of information. Without their support the completion of this report would not have been possible.

We would like to thank the following organisations for their invaluable contribution:

AgriQuality, Auckland Regional Council, Biosecurity New Zealand, Crop and Food Research, Department of Conservation, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority, Environment Bay of Plenty, Environment Canterbury, Environment Centre Hamilton, Environment Southland, Environment Waikato, Environmental Choice New Zealand, Environmental Risk Management Authority New Zealand, Gisborne District Council, Greater Wellington Regional Council, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, Horizons Regional Council, Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences, Land Information New Zealand, Landcare Research, Local Government New Zealand, Maritime New Zealand, Marlborough District Council, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Transport, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Nelson City Council, New Zealand Food Safety Authority, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Konohi, Northland Regional Council, North Shore City Council, Ornithological Society of New Zealand, Otago Regional Council, PIPC (NZ) Ltd, Queen Elizabeth II National Trust, Sustainable Living Programme, Taranaki Regional Council, Tasman District Council, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, Te Wānanga-o-Raukawa, The Treasury, University of Auckland, University of Otago, Wellington City Council, West Coast Regional Council.

Many people have made significant and, in most cases, voluntary contributions to this report, including peer review, writing assistance, project management, and administrative support. While not all of these contributions have made it into the final document, they were essential in helping us refine the content of this report. We would like to thank the following people for their contributions:

Andrew Stewart, Alastair Smaill, Alison Lane, Allan Hewitt, Amanda Hunt, Amanda Smale, Amber Duncalfe, Andrea Speir, Anne Sutherland, Anne McCrone, Astrid van Meeuwen, Avi Holzapfel, Barbara Rouse, Barry Robertson, Barry Gilliland, Beat Huser, Bill Birch, Bill Vant, Blair Fitzharris, Bob Rout, Bob Zuur, Brenda Gould, Brent Wood, Brett Longley, Brett Mullan, Brian Loyd, Brian Sorrell, Bruce Croucher, Bruce Middleton, Caroline Hart, Chris Arbuckle, Chris Blake, Chris Cameron, Chris Daughney, Chris Ecroyd, Chris McLay, Chris Purchas, Chris Robertson, Christina Robb, Clare Feeney, Clinton Duffy, Colin Dall, Colin Gray, Colin O’Donnell, Conal Smith, Craig Briggs, Craig Pauling, Craig Thompson, Dan Brown, Daphne Brasell, Darren Patterson, David Crawford, David Kelly, David Mole, David Weinstein, Dennis Bush-King, Dennis Gordon, Derek Brown, Dhilum Nightingale, Dick Burgess, Don Newman, Ed Brown, Eddie Grogan, Eddy Goldberg, Edward Mason, Elaine Wright, Erin Wynne, Ewen Robertson, Frances Graham, Fred King, Fred McLay, Gail Tipa, Garry McDonald, Gary Bedford, Gary Morgan, Gavin Forrest, Ged Shirley, Georgina Hart, Gerald Rys, Gerda Kuschel, Ginny McLean, Glen-Marie Burns, Glenn Stevens, Gordon Brailsford, Graeme King, Graham Sparling, Grant Barnes, Grant Rae, Greg Bodeker, Gretchen Johnston, Hans van Kregten, Helen Davies, Helen Plume, Howard Larsen, Hugh Logan, Hugh Robertson, Iain McGlinchy, Ian Flux, Ian West, Illona Keenan, Irene Clarke, James Court, Jane Tier, Janine Bell, Jeff Page, Jeff Seadon, Jeff Smith, Jenny Easton, Jenny Heine, Jeremy Helson, Jo Evans, Jocelyn Rennie, John Allard, John Dowding, John Greer, John Hannah, John Leathwick, John Saker, John Talbot, Jonny Horrox, Joseph Arand, Joseph Thomas, Julie King, Juliet Milne, Kareema Yousif, Karen Bell, Katherine Hay, Kathy McNeill, Kathy Perreau, Kelly Beuth, Kent Hammond, Kevin Guerin, Kevin Mahon, Kim Currie, Kirsten Forsyth, Laura Watts, Leigh Stevens, Len Brown, Lesley Woudberg, Lester Thorley, Libby Masterton, Lindsay Gow, Lucinda Blackley, Luke Roper, Lynley Povey, Lynnette Hartley, Maria Gracie, Mark Neeson, Martin Cryer, Marianne Vignaux, Mary De Winton, Mary Livingston, Mary-Anne Baker, Matt Hickman, Matt Pinkerton, Matthew Bloxham, Matthew Everett, Matthew Smith, Matthew Taylor, Megan Beecroft, Michael LeRoy-Dyson, Michelle Begbie, Mike Barton, Mike Clare, Mike Clear, Mike Freeman, Mike Goldsmith, Mike Plivelich, Mike Scarsbrook, Misty Skinner, Moira Pryde, Murray Buchanan, Murray McLea, Natalia Foronda, Neal Gordon, Nick Dalgety, Nick Kim, Nigel Corry, Norm Thornley, Pamela Mace, Paul Cashmore, Paul Futter, Paul Lane, Paul Pendergrast, Paul Scholes, Pavan Sharma, Penny Race, Perry Davy, Peter Dilks, Peter Ettema, Peter Newsome, Peter Stephens, Peter Taft, Peter Winsley, Phil Gurnsey, Phil Sutton, Rachel Depree, Rachel Hargreaves, Reece Hill, Rhys Taylor, Richard Earl, Richard Keys, Richard Lynch, Richard McKenzie, Richard Taylor, Rob Bell, Rob Hitchmough, Robert Brodnax, Robert Gibb, Robert Smith, Robin Taylor, Rod Forbes, Rogan Colbourne, Roger Smith, Sam Weiss, Sandra Preston, Sarah Adams-Linton, Sarah Cook, Sarah Davies, Sarah Pinkerton, Selva Selvarajah, Serge Peeters, Shirley Hayward, Simon Banks, Simon Buckland, Simon Wear, Sonia Petrie, Spencer Clubb, Stacey Perkins, Stuart Badger, Stuart Burgess, Sue Powell, Susa Kupa, Susan Allen, Susan Bisset, Susannah Sharpe, Susie Osbaldiston, Susie Wood, Suz Baird, Tamsin Mitchell, Tanya Gray, Ted Jamieson, Teresa Aberkane, Terry Carter, Terry Greene, Tim Baker, Todd Krieble, Tom Hall, Tony Petch, Tony Phipps, Trecia Smith, Trevor James, Trish Kirkland-Smith, Ude Shankar, Vivienne Smith, Warren Gray, Warren Tuckey, Wayne Jones, Wayne Smith.

The report’s strengths owe much to the above contributors and reviewers. However, the Ministry for the Environment bears full responsibility for the final text.