'Environment Aotearoa 2015' provides an overall picture of our environment across the air, atmosphere and climate, fresh water, land, and marine domains and shows interactions between each domain. It presents the human and natural pressures that cause changes to the state of these domains and the impacts these changes have on our environment, economy and way of life.
Following the release of Environment Aotearoa 2015 and Environmental indicators Te taiao Aotearoa in October 2015, we have made some revisions to correct or clarify information in the report and indicators. See www.stats.govt.nz/ercorrections for details of the revisions.
Other products from 2015 reporting - Environment Aotearoa
Infographic - New Zealand's environment at a glance
Measures and trends [Environmental indicators Te Taiao Aotearoa website]
Datasets [MfE Data Service]
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Environment Aotearoa 2015
October 2015
© Ministry for the Environment