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Economic impact of New Zealand's second emissions reduction plan: Policy results

Report to the Ministry for the Environment on the estimated macroeconomic and distributional impacts of New Zealand’s second emissions reduction plan (ERP2), referred to in Chapter 4 of the ERP2 technical annex.

This report was prepared by independent external consultants, Principal Economics Limited, in collaboration with the Centre for Policy Studies and Infometrics Limited. It uses data and assumptions as at a particular point in time and should not be considered government policy.  

Report to the Ministry for the Environment on the estimated macroeconomic and distributional impacts of New Zealand’s second emissions reduction plan (ERP2), referred to in Chapter 4 of the ERP2 technical annex.

This report was prepared by independent external consultants, Principal Economics Limited, in collaboration with the Centre for Policy Studies and Infometrics Limited. It uses data and assumptions as at a particular point in time and should not be considered government policy.  

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