Nature is part of our everyday lives as we enjoy the great outdoors of Aotearoa New Zealand with our families. Our native trees, plants, birds, animals, insects, and the places they inhabit are all part of who we are. Native biodiversity helps provide clean water, nutrient cycling, mahinga kai (food provisioning) and materials for other purposes such as raranga (weaving) and rongoā (medicinal uses).
Nature is part of our everyday lives as we enjoy the great outdoors of Aotearoa New Zealand with our families. Our native trees, plants, birds, animals, insects, and the places they inhabit are all part of who we are. Native biodiversity helps provide clean water, nutrient cycling, mahinga kai (food provisioning) and materials for other purposes such as raranga (weaving) and rongoā (medicinal uses).
However, our indigenous biodiversity is declining and is at risk of becoming extinct.
The Government has proposed a way to build on the work already underway by many of you to maintain and protect our precious indigenous biodiversity.
The proposed National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity (NPSIB) sets out the objectives and policies to identify, protect, manage and restore indigenous biodiversity under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA).
We invite you to have your say on how we can continue to work together to halt the decline and restore what has been lost.
Consultation closes on 14 March 2020 at 5pm.