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Carbon Neutral Government Programme: A guide to managing your greenhouse gas emissions – measuring, reporting, target-setting and reduction planning

This is a document for organisations that are part of the Carbon Neutral Government Programme (CNGP).

It explains how to measure and report greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, set reduction targets, and develop emissions reduction plans under the programme.

It includes information on the sources of GHG emissions that organisations need to examine, useful standards, methods for calculating emissions, the required reporting format, along with who to report to and when.

This update includes additional guidance on target setting for newly established organisations and target setting for major projects.

For more information, visit the CNGP webpage or contact cngp@mfe.govt.nz 

This is a document for organisations that are part of the Carbon Neutral Government Programme (CNGP).

It explains how to measure and report greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, set reduction targets, and develop emissions reduction plans under the programme.

It includes information on the sources of GHG emissions that organisations need to examine, useful standards, methods for calculating emissions, the required reporting format, along with who to report to and when.

This update includes additional guidance on target setting for newly established organisations and target setting for major projects.

For more information, visit the CNGP webpage or contact cngp@mfe.govt.nz 

Supporting documents and resources

Appendix 1: Emissions sources for reporting under the CNGP

Commuting survey decisions tool and templates

Commuting survey analysis workbook -  Version A

Waste audit case study: Collecting and calculating waste data for our emissions inventory and audit

Waste audit blank template

ICT emissions report: A short guide for CNGP agencies


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