Regional and district councils (including city) and unitary authorities develop district plans, regional plans, and regional policy statements. These set out how they will sustainably manage resources, and reduce or manage effects on the environment. The plans contain rules that control what people can do in the environment.
Regional policy statements focus on providing an overview of the resource management issues in the region and how to achieve integrated management.
Regional plans focus on particular parts of the environment, such as the coast, land, a river or the air.
District plans focus on how to manage subdivision, land use, and development in the district.
A council must publicly notify a proposal for a new plan. A variation to a proposed plan and a change to an existing plan are likely to be publicly notified. However, a council has the ability to limited notify a variation to a proposed plan or a change to an existing plan if it can identify all the persons directly affected.
Public notification: An opportunity to get involved
Publicly notifying a proposal means the council advertises it on its website and in the local paper, and calls for submissions. The council may also directly contact people who might be affected.
The purpose is to let people know what the council proposes to do, where they can view the proposal, and invite them to make written comments (submissions).
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February 2021
© Ministry for the Environment