Te Mana o te Wai Fund supports marae, whānau and hapū-led freshwater projects

Te Mana o te Wai Fund is for practical ‘on-the-ground’ actions to improve the quality of freshwater systems.

What makes the fund special is its focus on and acknowledgement of the connection Māori have to wai māori.

The fund will provide $30 million to tautoko marae, whānau and hapū to take action to improve the quality of freshwater systems in their rohe.

Pānui Hakihea 2020: Te Mana o Te Wai


Te Mana o Te Wai is about putting our freshwater first.
Water is life - it supports the social, cultural, economic and environmental well-being of communities in Aotearoa.

Putting freshwater first means making immediate improvements to reverse past damage and restore the mauri of our fresh waterways within a generation.

The Te Mana o Te Wai fund provides $30 million dollars to tautoko marae, whānau and hapū to take action to improve the quality of the freshwater systems in their rohe.

Expressions of Interest will open in early 2021.

Applicants to the Te Mana o Te Wai fund will need support the following factors:

1. A plan that creates jobs from practical ‘on-the-ground’ actions to improve the freshwater quality of a freshwater system.

2. Supporting and building capacity that will enable marae, whānau and hapū to be involved in the governance structure and decision-making processes on freshwater management in their rohe.

3. Working collectively with other Māori groups and iwi within a rohe.

Te Manatū Mō Te Taiao want to work with Māori to ensure the freshwater of Aotearoa supports the health of our people, our environment and our economy.

Ko te wai Māori te oranga o ngā mea katoa.

We expect to call for expressions of interest in early 2021.

Find out more on our Te Mana o te Wai Fund web page