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Panel appointed for independent review of biogenic methane science and target

The Government has named appointees for the Methane Review Ministerial Advisory Panel and confirmed the Terms of Reference.

About the panel

The panel will be chaired by Professor Nicola Shadbolt, who has extensive governance experience. Nicola is also a former climate change commissioner and respected farmer and academic.

The panel will also include Professor David Frame, Dr Sara Mikaloff-Fletcher, Dr Laura Revell, and Professor Bill Collins.

The panel members bring extensive New Zealand and international scientific experience across atmospheric physics and chemistry, understanding and quantifying greenhouse gas emissions, and climate modelling.

The panel has been tasked with providing advice on what New Zealand’s domestic 2050 biogenic methane target should be, consistent with the principle of no additional warming. They will begin their work this month and will report back to the Government by the end of the year.

The panel’s work will be considered alongside the Climate Change Commission’s review of the 2050 targets this year. The two reviews will give the Government a robust evidence base to use when it considers the 2050 target next year.

View the Terms of Reference for the panel [PDF, 172 KB]


The panel members are: