
New guide for emissions measurement released

Measuring emissions: A guide for organisations is a tool to help calculate and report organisations’ emissions.

The Ministry for the Environment has released an updated guide to help organisations measure and report on their emissions.

Measuring emissions: A guide for organisations is a tool to help calculate the emissions produced across an organisation in a standardised way. 

This can help organisations to better understand, manage and reduce their emissions over time.

The guide is regularly updated to ensure emissions factors are in line with the best data, science, and evidence for reporting emissions.

Key updates for 2024

  • New emissions factors to cover biofuel blends, wood biomass, passenger vehicles newer than 2020, and passenger ferries.
  • Updated emissions factors for purchased electricity, energy transmission and distribution losses, aviation, and agriculture, forestry, and other land-use.

Who the guide is for

The guide can be used by a wide range of organisations including:

  • Government agencies who are part of the Carbon Neutral Government Programme
  • Climate Reporting Entities under the Climate Related Disclosures reporting regime
  • Any other organisation, business or group that wants to voluntarily measure and/or report its emissions.

Give your feedback

Next year, the Ministry for the Environment will refresh the guide as a new digital product. We welcome feedback and suggestions from users to help us improve the guide as we do this. To give your feedback, or if you have any questions about the guide, please contact us at emissions-guide@mfe.govt.nz