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Help shape our Long-term Insights Briefing on building resilience to hazards

How can New Zealand strengthen its resilience to future disasters and crises caused by major hazard risks such as earthquakes, pandemics and severe weather? 

That is the subject of a Long-term Insights Briefing the Ministry for the Environment (MfE) and the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) are developing on behalf of the National Hazards Board.  

Reviews and inquiries have highlighted the importance of building resilience to risks to make New Zealanders safer and to reduce the economic and social costs associated with disasters and crises. 
However, resilience-building requires everyone working together, as well as a common understanding of the challenges we face. 
The Ministry and DPMC are inviting public feedback on the types of issues the Long-term Insights Briefing should explore and will use this feedback to shape the briefing topic. 

For more information and to provide feedback see Building Resilience to Hazards Long-term Insights Briefing [DPMC].

Consultation closes at 5pm on 26 November.