Nine wind turbines in a hilly landscape in Mākara, Wellington.

Climate Change Commission first annual monitoring report released

He Pou a Rangi - Climate Change Commission has released its first annual monitoring report on emissions reductions, which assesses progress against the 2050 target, emissions budgets and the first emissions reduction plan.

The Commission plays an important role in independently monitoring and reporting on Aotearoa New Zealand's progress towards its emissions reduction goals.

Each year from 2024, the Commission will provide an annual progress report that includes the below:

  • measured emissions and removals for that year
  • the latest projections of current and future emissions and removals
  • an assessment of the adequacy of the Government’s Emissions Reduction Plan and progress in its implementation, including any new opportunities to reduce emissions.

The Commission will also provide its first biennial progress report on the implementation and effectiveness of the Government’s National Adaptation Plan in August this year.