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Ambitious startups set to supercharge climate innovation

Innovation is the unrelenting drive to break the status quo.

The environmental challenges before us mean we need to change the way we do things and progress new concepts, services and technologies to create the future we want.

Working with others to support environmental innovation

Ministry for the Environment has an entire work programme supporting environmental innovation and system change projects. We work closely with key innovation partners like CreativeHQ and Callaghan Innovation to provide support for innovators to help Aotearoa New Zealand accelerate towards a climate resilient, low emissions, circular economy.

On the path towards a low emissions future with The Climate Response Accelerator

The Climate Response Accelerator is a 12-week programme to help impact-focused entrepreneurs develop solutions that bring about a stable climate, clean water and smarter resource use.

Anne Haira, Ministry for the Environment Deputy Secretary says she’s excited to be part of the innovative programme.

Aotearoa New Zealand faces some big environmental challenges - innovative bold ideas must be part of the solution. We’re pleased to provide mentoring and connections as the entrepreneurs develop solutions. I can’t wait to see how their projects evolve through this programme

Anne Haira, Deputy Secretary

Luke Ball, General Manager of Startups at Creative HQ says that the Climate Response Accelerator can help put Aotearoa on its path to a low emissions future while also creating high value economic opportunities.

“Accelerator programmes provide innovators with a safe testing ground to breakthrough many new ideas, and to supercharge the development of innovative new products, ideas and processes,” says Ball. “

The programme officially kicked off on 24 June, with 8 teams selected to accelerate and scale their projects. Teams will receive $20,000 equity-free funding and critical mentorship, connections and resources to help advance each stage of their growth.

“The Climate Response Accelerator will provide our entrepreneurs with a place that enables them to identify the problems that need solving, and to use creativity and technology to solve them,” says Ball.

James Muir, Callaghan Innovation lead on climate innovation, says that the Climate Response Accelerator will fill a gap in support for climate innovators in Aotearoa.

“Climate innovation is critical for a zero-carbon, climate-resilient future, and new programmes like this have an important role to play in supporting a new wave of climate innovators,” says Muir.

“New technology will play an important role in solving climate change and other environmental problems while creating a high-value export industry and new employment opportunities.”

At the end of the programme, teams will pitch their ideas to a panel of investors and industry stakeholders.

The Climate Response Accelerator is backed by Callaghan Innovation, Ministry for the Environment, Wellington City Council, Aws Activate, Carbon Click, Edmund Hillary Fellowship, LACI, Mevo, Simply Energy, McGuinness Institute, and Wellington NZ.

Climate Response Accelerator Teams 2021



Location Founder




Auckland Daniel Yu

IntDevice is developing high-power wireless charging for electric vehicles and industrial applications. The world is changing to Green, Mobile and Intelligent rapidly, but the current plug-in charging method is manual and has safety issues associated with its use. Wireless charging enables fully autonomous charging and can be integrated into digital control and data management. Without physical contact between the power source and power receiver, it is safe and reliable. Wireless charging is the future charging method for the future world.


Food & Waste

Wellington Michal Garvey

Foodprint a two-sided marketplace app where hospitality and retail sectors can sell surplus, imperfect and short-dated food to prevent it from being wasted. Our customers explore new eateries, purchase discounted meals and keep good food out of landfills. We seek to reduce the 50,000 tonnes of food wasted from these sectors annually and its contribution to the climate crisis.


Waste & Consumer Products

Auckland Mark Sorensen, Ellie Brade

Cleanery has developed incredibly effective cleaning and personal care products delivered as a powder that dissolves in water at home. In addition to the product itself, Cleanery has created a scalable manufacturing and commercial model to produce these products cost effectively for mainstream consumers, brands, and businesses. Cleanery eliminates the need for single use bottles, and the emissions, hassle, and cost of shipping bulky packaging and water around the world.

Hitch a Ride 


Wellington Claudia Grave, Todd Foster

Everyday in New Zealand close to 5.5 million empty seats travel to and from work. Hitch a Ride is a digital platform that reduces empty seats by connecting car commuters heading in the same direction at the same time. Hitch a Ride makes car pooling flexible, convenient, and cost effective, giving car commuters the opportunity to do their bit for the environment.


 Energy  Wellington  Shalini Divya

In the next ten years, automakers are expected to invest US$300 bn to accelerate electric transport implying a shortage of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) for other applications. TasmanIon aims at commercialising aluminium-ion batteries (AIBs) that offer a cheaper and more sustainable alternative to the increasing battery demands.

Ruka Marine Turbine 

 Water  Whangarei  Millan Ruka

The Ruka Marine Turbine (RMT) works in deep or shallow river and tidal flows to capture the kinetic energy of moving water currents where other technology is not commercially viable. The manufacturing and deployment costs are considerably lower than wind turbines. The RMT has a very low environmental impact and can power-up, but is not limited to, electrical generators, water pumps, and hydrogen production equipment etc.



Construction & Built Infrastructure  Auckland Georgie Fenwickle

Frankie is a SaaS product that enables property managers to prevent building breakdowns, extending the lifetime of embodied carbon e.g. steel and concrete. At its core, Frankie is maintenance software for busy people. They help property and operations managers deploy OPEX and CAPEX across industrial property portfolios.


 Waste  Auckland/Rotorua  

Terax is commercialising an innovative method of converging sludge, a by-product of wastewater treatment plants, into usable products. These products can be used in industrial processes, as construction materials, as a fertiliser as well as being reused within the wastewater treatment plant itself.