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Climate implications of policy assessment: guidance on Cabinet requirement for central government agencies

Central government agencies must do a greenhouse gas emissions analysis for certain policy proposals which go to Cabinet from 1 November 2019. This page outlines what is required and links to guidance.

Requirement for central government to complete greenhouse gas emissions analysis

From 1 November 2019, central government agencies are required to undertake and report on a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions analysis, known as a CIPA, for all policy proposals that go to Cabinet and meet certain qualifying criteria. CIPA stands for a ‘climate implications of policy assessment.'

The CIPA requirement will apply where:

  • an objective of the policy proposal is to decrease GHG emissions
  • the impact on GHG emissions is likely to be equal or above 0.5 million tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) within the first ten years of the proposal period (representing an annual average of 50,000 tonnes)
  • for forestry-related proposals, the impact on GHG emissions is likely to be equal or above 3 million tonnes of CO2e within the first 30 years of the proposal period (representing an annual average of 100,000 tonnes).

The above emissions thresholds have been lowered since the original threshold set in November 2019.

Purpose of requirement

The requirement will enable New Zealand to measure, monitor and report on Cabinet decisions that will impact New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Find out more

See the Cabinet Office Circular for CIPA (CO (20) 3).

For more information on the CIPA requirement, please email cipa@mfe.govt.nz.

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