Resource Management (Direction for the Intensification Streamlined Planning Process to Auckland Council) Amendment Direction 2025


10 March 2025

This direction is made under sections 80L and 80M of the Resource Management Act 1991 by the Minister Responsible for RMA Reform (in accordance with section 7 of the Constitution Act 1986), after complying with section 80L(3) of the Resource Management Act 1991.


1. Title

This direction is the Resource Management (Direction for the Intensification Streamlined Planning Process to Auckland Council) Amendment Direction 2025.

2. Commencement

This direction comes into force on 17 March 2025.

3. Decision notification direction

  1. Auckland Council must notify its decisions on the independent hearing panel's recommendations on the parts of Plan Change 78 that are subject to Policy 3(a) of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020, in accordance with clause 102 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991, no later than 30 May 2025.
  2. For the avoidance of doubt, the Minister's direction to Auckland Council described in clause 3(a) of the direction notified as the Resource Management (Direction for the Intensification Streamlined Planning Process to Auckland Council) Amendment Notice 2024 in the New Zealand Gazette, 15 April 2024, No. 2024-sl1708, being a direction to Auckland Council to notify its decisions on the independent hearing panel's recommendations on Plan Change 78 under clause 102 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 no later than 31 March 2026, is amended only insofar as amended by clause 3(1) of this direction, and is not otherwise revoked.

4. Reporting direction

Auckland Council must provide a report to the Ministry for the Environment every three months from the date this direction commences about its progress on Plan Change 78. The report must identify any issues which may affect Auckland Council's ability to comply with the Minister's direction.

5. Certain past directions revoked

  1. The following directions in the direction notified as the Resource Management (Direction for the Intensification Streamlined Planning Process to Auckland Council) Amendment Notice 2024 in the New Zealand Gazette, 15 April 2024, No. 2024-sl1708, are revoked:
    1. the directions relating to the Minister's statement of expectations described in clauses (4) and (5) under the heading "Minister Responsible for RMA Reform's Statement of Expectations for the Intensification Streamlined Planning Process for Auckland Council (made under section 7 of the Constitution Act 1986)"; and
    2. the direction relating to reporting to the Ministry for the Environment described in the paragraph under the heading "Minister Responsible for RMA Reform's additional Direction for the Intensification Streamlined Planning Process to Auckland Council".

6. Principal direction amended

This direction amends the direction notified as the Resource Management (Direction for the Intensification Streamlined Planning Process to Auckland Council) Notice 2022 in the New Zealand Gazette, 27 April 2022, No. 2022-sl1599, read alongside the direction notified as the Resource Management (Direction for the Intensification Streamlined Planning Process to Auckland Council) Amendment Notice 2024 in the New Zealand Gazette, 15 April 2024, No. 2024-sl1708, only to the extent specified in this direction.

Explanatory note

This note is not part of the direction but is intended to indicate its general effect.

This direction, which comes into force on 17 March 2025, is made by the Minister Responsible for RMA Reform (in accordance with section 7 of the Constitution Act 1986), under sections 80L and 80M of the Resource Management Act 1991 (the RMA), after complying with section 80L(3) of the RMA.

Auckland Council must comply with this direction. Part 6 of Schedule 1 of the RMA specifies the requirements of any intensification streamlined planning process. Section 80M of the RMA provides the Minister the ability to amend this direction on their own initiation or following a request from Auckland Council. Auckland Council may, in accordance with section 80M of the RMA, apply in writing to the Minister for an amendment to the direction.

This direction is secondary legislation for the purposes of the Legislation Act 2019. A copy of the direction can be accessed on

Issued under the authority of the Legislation Act 2019.

Date of notification in Gazette: 14 March 2025

This notice is administered by the Ministry for the Environment.