Establishing the Climate Change Commission

The Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Act 2019 came into force on 14 November 2019. It provides a framework for reducing emissions by 2050 and achieving a climate resilient future. This includes the establishment of an independent Climate Change Commission.

About the Climate Change Commission

The Minister for Climate Change announced the establishment of the Commission on 17 December 2019.

MfE set up an establishment team to do preparatory work so the commission could be operating as soon as possible after commencement of the new legislation.

Cabinet agreed that the work of the establishment team include, but not be limited to:

  • undertaking the appointment process to identify a list of potential candidates for the commission members
  • initiating the process for appointing the chief executive – so the commission can consider candidates and make an appointment immediately on taking office
  • working with the interim committee and its secretariat to design a process for the transfer of analysis, evidence and necessary staff, and investigate operational matters such as premises, office equipment
  • preparing potential organisational structures and processes for the commission based on the functions being proposed.

The establishment team was made up of individuals from MfE, the Interim Climate Change Committee and PwC.

The role requirements for the commissioner roles are:

Commission's kaupapa

The commission’s kaupapa is to provide independent expert advice to the Government and to monitor and review its progress towards emissions reduction and adaptation goals. This means it will have a significant role in guiding Aotearoa New Zealand’s economic transition towards a low emissions economy.

For more information visit the Climate Change Commission website.

For more information on the work conducted by the Interim Climate Change Committee, visit the Committee's website.